Smoke Damage Restoration in Amo, Indiana

Smoke damage to your Amo, Indiana home or office can be pervasive. The restoration process can be lengthy and potentially dangerous because harmful toxins can be released when synthetic materials (found in carpeting, draperies, and upholstery) are burned. Don't take any chances with your health. Call Carson Restoration, Inc., the experts at repairing smoke damage local residents have trusted since 2016 to restore their property.


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(317) 754-7852


Smoke Damage Repair in Amo by Carson Restoration, Inc.Types of Smoke and Soot Damage After Amo Fire

Soot residue varies, depending on the temperature and intensity of the fire in your Amo home or office.

  1. Wet Smoke Residues: Smoldering fires with low heat cause wet smoke residues that are sticky, smeary, and have pungent odors. Smoke webs can be difficult to clean

  2. Dry Smoke Residues: Fast-burning fires with high temperatures cause dry smoke residues that are dry or powdery with small non-smeary smoke particles
  3. Protein Residues: Virtually invisible residues that discolor paints and varnishes and have extremely pungent odors
  4. Fuel Oil Soot: Furnace puff backs cause fuel oil soot
  5. Other Types of Residues: Tear gas, fingerprint powder, and fire extinguisher residue


Professional Amo Smoke Damage Restoration

Before we begin the smoke damage restoration process, our trained professionals will analyze the soot residue left behind. Based on the results of our analysis, Carson Restoration, Inc. will determine the best cleaning method for all affected surfaces. Our goal is to minimize secondary damage by aggressively pretreating all areas.

  • We will properly dispose of all unsalvageable belongings and debris
  • We remove soot from all surfaces
  • We eliminate unpleasant fire- and smoke-related odors
  • We dry and dehumidify the affected area to prevent bacteria, fungi, and mildew

For Smoke Damage Restoration in Amo, You Can Trust Carson Restoration, Inc.

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(317) 754-7852

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